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The first day of spring brings a snow day across the city of Louisville! My school requires the students to complete an online snow day, which means teachers have to prepare 30 minutes worth of work for each subject for the students and post to Google Classroom. It is complete madness! The students have a hard time understanding directions on how to complete and turn in each assignment. Today, I decided to use Screencastify to relay my directions to my students so it was like they were in the classroom with me listening to my instructions. So far, so good! I have had ZERO questions about my assignments. I modeled to the students how to complete the activities and what I expected. It took me ten minutes to record the videos and post the link to Google Classroom for my students to listen to.

I will definitely be using Screencastify in the future to support at home assignments, especially snow days.

Click here to access Screencastify.

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