Google Image Search
As I wrote about in my last post, my students will be creating a travel brochure which includes images from the internet of their country and places to visit. I decided it was a good time to teach them how to legally use images from online. Cult of Pedagogy had a brilliant blog about this very topic. As I was reading through, I came across an interesting tidbit about conducting a Google Image Search.
Although a Google search will pull up plenty of images students don’t have permission to use, the search can be filtered so that the results only show images that are licensed for re-use. Just be sure to open up the Tools after you search, and check one of the options under “Usage rights” that will remove all of the photos that have not been labeled for some kind of reuse. Checking “Labeled for reuse with modification” should give you images that have the least amount of restrictions.
How neat is that?? I will definitely be showing my students this feature. Google continues to impress me!